#OpportunitiesCorner: Week 4 – January 2025

Hello there! The UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs’ #OpportunitiesCorner is an update on available scholarships, exchange programs, conferences, workshops, and other skill-enhancing initiatives for UP Diliman students. Here’s for the 4th week of January 2025:




The 2025 Mobility/Research Grant “Séjours Scientifiques de Haut Niveau (SSHN)” is now accepting applications! The call is designed for academic and research staff intending to spend 2-4 weeks in a Higher Education or Research Institute in France, also aiming to increase cooperation with French institutions.


Grant Provisions:

Selection criteria:


Apply via: tinyurl.com/Call2025France





The Tempus Public Foundation, with financial support from the Hungarian Government, invites applications for Summer University Courses aimed at students, graduates, and professionals interested in Hungarian language, culture, and other thematic courses.


Courses Offered: (2-4 weeks)

(For the full list, refer to Annex 1 of the guide.)


Implementation of the Scholarship:

Scholarships have to be implemented during the summer of 2025. The duration and length of summer  university courses are predefined and cannot be changed. The scholarship can only be used within the implementation period, it cannot be postponed to the following academic year. At most one application can be submitted for summer courses (in case of several applications, the last one will be considered as valid). Students may submit another application for partial/semester studies, full degree studies1 or for study visits in case they do not overlap in time. The applicant can thus be granted with a second scholarship if there is no time overlap between the two and if the budgetary allocations make it possible. Scholarship holders must stay in Hungary during the entire period of their studies.

Scholarship Coverage:


Deadline of Applications: 28 February 2025 (5:00 PM CET).
Selection Process: March–April 2025.
Notification of Results: May 2025.
Summer Courses: June–August 2025.

Guide for application: https://tka.hu/international-programmes/4133/information-for-applicants

Application Link: https://apply.diasporascholarship.hu/





The Fulbright Foreign Student Program is a scholarship opportunity for Filipinos to study at the graduate level (master’s or doctoral studies) or pursue non-degree doctoral dissertation research in the United States.

Grants under the Fulbright Foreign Student Program for Filipinos are for a maximum of one academic year for non-degree, one to two years for master’s, and two years for doctoral degree studies.

“The Philippine-American Educational Foundation, also known as Fulbright Philippines, is the bi-national commission which administers the Fulbright Program, a student exchange program which awards scholarship grants for Filipinos to the United States. The Fulbright Program aims to strengthen the relationship and increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the Philippines by awarding graduate study, lecturing, research grants, and research fellowships.

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program is a scholarship opportunity for Filipinos to study at the graduate level (master’s or doctoral studies) or pursue non-degree doctoral dissertation research in the United States. The grant provides for tuition and fees, settling-in-allowance, monthly maintenance allowance, books and supplies allowance, in-transit allowance, health and accident insurance, roundtrip international airfare, and excess baggage allowance.”

General Eligibility Requirements:

Grant Provisions:
The scholarship provides funding for:


Fields of Study:

Application Deadline: 18 April 2025

For detailed guidelines, visit: https://www.fulbright.org.ph/

For inquiries, contact: Ms. Milagros Tan, Program Officer (mtan@fulbright.org.ph)

Application Link: https://apply.iie.org/ffsp2026