#OpportunitiesCorner: Week 2 – February 2025

Hello there! The UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs’ #OpportunitiesCorner is an update on available scholarships, exchange programs, conferences, workshops, and other skill-enhancing initiatives for UP Diliman students. Here’s for the 2nd week of February 2025:


The Korean Institute for ASEAN Studies at the Busan University of Foreign Studies (KIAS-BUFS), in partnership with the Federation of Social Science Organizations (IFSSO), is accepting panel proposals to its Annual international Conference happening from 21-23 August 2025.

Conference themes:

Submissions focusing on the following sub-themes are especially encouraged:

  1. ASEAN-Korea Relations amidst Major Power Rivalry
  2. Mini-lateral Cooperation between ASEAN Sub-Regions and Korea
  3. ASEAN-Korea Comprehensive Partnership in the Digital Era
  4. General Topics:

Important Information:

To view the list of requirements, conditions, and guidelines, view this link.

Submission Schedules

For inquiries, please contact the Conference Organizing Committee at the Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies (KIAS-BUFS) and the International Federation of Social Science Organizations (IFSSO). You can reach them by phone at +82-51-509-6644, via WhatsApp at +82-10-3595-4697, or by email at kiasbufsconf@gmail.com.

Further questions and concerns may be directed to OIL Diliman through the UP Trunkline at 8981-8500 local 2561 (c/o Ms. Khandel Valida). If the work-from-home scheme is in effect, please send queries to oild_facultymobility.upd@up.edu.ph.




The Office of International Linkages Diliman (OILD) is inviting faculty, researchers, staff, and students to the next installment its UMALOHOKAN SERIES: Singapore Management University’s (SMU) Masterclass and Info-Session on Various Master’s Degrees and Scholarship Schemes. This event will be held on 14 February 2025 (Friday) from 10:00 AM to 12:00 NN (PH Time) in the Virata School of Business, 3rd Floor Room 306.


Register here: https://bit.ly/UMALOHOKAN25SMU.

Further questions and concerns may be directed to OIL Diliman via UP Trunkline 8981-8500 local 2561 (c/o Mr. Rusell Reyes). In case the work-from-home scheme is in effect, queries may be sent through oild_acadadminstaffmobility.upd@up.edu.ph.