Hello there! The UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs’ #OpportunitiesCorner is an update on available scholarships, exchange programs, conferences, workshops, and other skill-enhancing initiatives for UP Diliman students. Here’s for the 4th week of February 2025:


Join the 21st Young Women Leaders’ Conference (YWLC) this Women’s Month!

The Miriam College – Women and Gender Institute (MC-WAGI) invites everyone to the 21st Young Women Leaders’ Conference (YWLC) this March in support of UN Women’s call: “For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.”

YWLC serves as a platform for young women student leaders to engage in meaningful discussions on Gender, AI, and Governance. This year’s conference aims to:

  1. Explore the intersection of gender, AI, and governance.
  2. Address current challenges and issues faced by young women.
  3. Foster collaboration in advocating for the ethical use of technology to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Who Can Join?

✔ Open to all (any gender)
✔ Ages 15 and above


Registration Fee:
Php 500 (includes lunch, afternoon snacks, and a certificate of participation)


Special Activity:

YWLC participants are encouraged to join the One Billion Rising Dance Mob on March 3, 2025, at 7:00 AM at Miriam College’s Football Field. Participants are also encouraged to wear any shade of purple to show solidarity.


Date and Venue:

March 3, 2025 (9:00AM-4:30PM) at Miriam College, Quezon City

Registration link: bit.ly/2025WAGIYWLC

For inquiries, contact Ms. Therese Zabala at fzabala@mc.edu.ph or (02) 8930 6272 loc. 8289.





The UP Asian Center and UP CIFAL Philippines are accepting entries for the 2025 competition, Youth-In-Charge: Environmental Action of the Youth as Champions of Sustainability.

The UP Asian Center and UP CIFAL Philippines believe that the youth play a crucial role in enhancing community resilience by working closely with local communities to address their unique challenges. In line with its commitment to promote initiatives to understand the Philippines in its broader Asian context, the Asian Center organizes a forum and a competition showcasing projects of youth organizations that highlight best practices that can be adopted by other organizations in the Philippines. This initiative aims to recognize the contributions of local youth organizations and communities and foster a dialogue on enhancing community resilience.


  • To raise awareness on the importance of creating inclusive, safe, and resilient communities;
  • To highlight the role of the youth in developing innovative solutions that address specific local issues; and
  • To advocate for the adoption of sustainable practices in local communities.


  • High School or College in NCR
    • Youth organizations must be based within a Department of Education (DepEd) recognized secondary schools (high schools) or Commission on Higher Education (CHED) recognized tertiary academic institutions (colleges or universities) located in the National Capital Region, Philippines.
  • Registered organization
    • The youth organization must be recognized or registered within their respective academic institutions.
  • Available at the time of presentation
    • The youth organization representatives must be available to present their project or activity on 14 March 2025 at the Asian Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City.


The competition will be divided into two categories, the high school and college/university levels.
Each category will have one (1) winner and two (2) runners-up. The best project based on the criteria will be declared the winner. Winners from each category will receive cash prizes.

  • Best Youth Project – Php 30,000.00
  • Runner-Up – Php 10,000.00
  • Runner-Up – Php 10,000.00


  • Youth organizations that implemented a project or activity related to sustainability and environmental management may participate in the competition.
  • Participating youth organizations may only submit one (1) entry (1 project or activity per organization).
  • The organization must submit a project or activity that has already been implemented in the last three years (2022, 2023, or 2024) for the benefit of their schools, universities, or communities.
  • The organization is required to submit a detailed description and documentation of the project using the template provided. The submission should include proofs of implementation such as photos, valid certificates, reports, etc.
  • In the submission, the youth organization must identify a specific environmental and climate challenge faced by their community in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals including but not limited to the following
    • SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
    • SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
    • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
    • SDG 13: Climate Action

Deadline of submission:

February 28, 2025

Guidelines and application:





Breath – France: The European Doctoral Programme in Health Sciences and Social Sciences & Humanities is now accepting applications!

The Breath programme is an interdisciplinary doctoral programme supported by the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie initiative. Led by the University of Angers, in collaboration with Le Mans University and Nantes University, it aims to recruit 20 doctoral candidates through two calls for applications. It offers 40 research projects at the intersection of Health Sciences and Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH). Each doctoral candidate will benefit from tripartite supervision, combining academic and non-academic expertise, as well as training in English and international mobility. [https://breath.univ-angers.fr/en/index.html]

PhD Topics

  • Doctoral school BS – Biology health
  • Doctoral school STT – Societies, times, and territories
  • Doctoral school DSP – Law and Political school
  • Doctoral school Mastic – Mathematics, Sciences and Technologies of Digital, information and Communication
  • Doctoral school ECLIS – Education, Cognition, Langages, Interactions, Santé – Education, Cognition, Languages, Interactions, Health
  • Doctoral school EDGE – Economie et Gestion


To know the list of doctoral research projects and other information, as well as to apply, go to: https://breath.univ-angers.fr/en/news/news/news-2025/apply-now.html

Applications are open until March 13, 2025.

For inquiries, contact OIL Diliman via UP Trunkline 8981-8500 local 2561 or email oild_acadadminstaffmobility.upd@up.edu.ph.