Office of Student Housing
About OSH
Residence Halls
UP provides comfortable, accessible, and affordable accommodations for underprivileged students and students from far provinces through the Office of Student Housing (OSH).
OSH manages eleven (11) residence halls on campus: six (6) are co-educational: Kalayaan, which is exclusive for freshmen; Kamagong, exclusive for graduate students; Ipil, Molave and Yakal for upperclassmen; and the International Center for foreign students. Four (4) are exclusively for female students: Ilang-Ilang, Kamia and Sampaguita for undergraduates, and Sanggumay for graduate students. The Centennial Residence Halls are divided into Concordia B. Albarracin Hall for undergraduate male students and Centennial 2 for female undergraduate students.
Kalayaan and Ilang-Ilang operate under the single-fee system, in which the total dorm fee includes payment for meals provided by concessionaires. The other residence halls charge lodging fees only.
All dormitories are strategically located near shops and restaurants. In general, a standard room is furnished with beds, mattresses, study tables, chairs, and lockers for each resident. Residents supply their own beddings.
For the Academic Year 2020-21, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, conventional restrictions were suspended. Molave and Kamia currently serve as temporary isolation facilities for mild and asymptomatic COVID-19 cases; and Yakal serves as housing for health care workers and medical technologists of the UP Philippine Genome Center.
Admission to a student dormitory is based on income bracket and region of origin. Priority is given to freshmen and those with the lowest incomes and with residences farthest from Metro Manila. Applications are screened electronically and then deliberated by the Dormitory Admissions Committee.
For the Academic Year 2020-21, regular requirements have been suspended and dormitory guidelines updated because of the pandemic and the remote learning setup. To inquire about dorm slots during the remote learning semester, just send OSH an email in the indicated address.
To apply during a regular semester, please visit OSH’s Dorm Applications Website.

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