On 18 May 2022, the UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (OVCSA) formally launched the maiden issue of Dúnong: UP Diliman Journal of Student Research.
Dúnong is an annually published open-access journal of peer-reviewed research produced primarily by students of UP Diliman and secondarily by faculty or staff with research related to student affairs and welfare. It aims to publish the best of emergent and interdisciplinary student research in UP Diliman and to introduce young researchers to the editorial process toward cultivating an ethical culture of critique.
The project is anchored to the vision of Chancellor Fidel Nemenzo to cultivate an academic community that strengthens different fields of research. Nemenzo believes that recognizing varying perspectives will pave the way for a collaborative space for designing solutions to key problems. During his speech, he encouraged the UP community to maximize Dúnong in the pursuit of innovative knowledge production and critical discourse.
Featured in the first volume are seven articles from both undergraduate and graduate students of UP Diliman which underwent double-blind peer review process after its initial call for papers last March 2021. “The student researchers featured in this issue take to heart the mandate of the national university to cultivate knowledge production that makes sense of our own Filipino experience. It is hoped that this journal can be that space where ideals that UP holds dear – academic excellence animated by a strong moral compass to serve the people – are exemplified and, most importantly, celebrated.” (Sonido and Ong 2022, xi)
View or download the issue here: https://journals.upd.edu.ph/index.php/Dunong/index
For the Vol. 2, 2022 issue, the deadline for submission of papers is extended until June 6 (Monday)! Interested individuals or groups can upload their work/s at http://bit.ly/Dunong22Bin using a UP mail account.