Hello there! The UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs’ #OpportunitiesCorner is an update on available scholarships, exchange programs, conferences, workshops, and other skill-enhancing initiatives for UP Diliman students. Here’s for the first week of January 2022!
Japan universities offering scholarships and programs to international students and institutions
The Commission on Higher Education is pleased to inform interested parties of the scholarship programs being offered by the following Japan universities and institutions: Kumamoto University, Tokushima University, International University of Japan, Kobe University, Meikai University, and Tottori University.
The said universities and institutions are offering undergraduate and postgraduate students a wide spectrum of disciplines such as engineering, biology, health and social sciences.
Details regarding the scholarship programs’ eligibility criteria, scholarship specifications and application timeline may be found through the links provided below:
Should there be queries/concerns, interested applicants may directly contact the institutions through the contact details provided in the website.
2nd AUAP-VEX International Robotics Competition
The Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP), in cooperation with Siam University (SU), Thailand and VEX Robotics, Innovation First International (Wuhan) Ltd., USA., will organize the 2nd AUAP-VEX International Robotics Competition, scheduled on 14-17 March 2022, and to be conducted virtually.The recent disruption to the conventional ways of teaching and learning has ushered in the new ways to develop, and transform Higher Education systems. Further, the ever-growing demand for modern technologies has reinforced the notion that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the main technology of the future; and it is anticipated to revolutionize our world.
Please find the registration links. Each team must register via the two (2) links below to participate.
- Team Registration: https://www.robotevents.com/
- Event Registration: https://forms.gle/baMvrPtjb8AVrkYE9
- The Registration deadline is on January 31, 2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8XcvADUXTE…
For further information and registration, please contact the AUAP Secretariat via email: auapheadquarters@g.sut.ac.th
Call for Gender Abstracts
The UP Diliman Gender Office is spearheading a project entitled Book of Gender Abstracts, a collection and database of abstracts on gender-related theses/dissertations. If you or anyone you know in/from UP Diliman has a thesis or dissertation that fits the following criteria, you/they are kindly encouraged to submit the abstract for inclusion in the database:
- The study is gender-related.
- It is an undergraduate, master’s, or doctorate thesis/dissertation.
- It was produced in the UP Diliman or any of its Extensions Programs.
- It was written and submitted within the past five (5) years, or between 2016-2021.
UP DGO will accept submissions via https://bit.ly/
All the best!