Hello there! The UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs’ #OpportunitiesCorner is an update on available scholarships, exchange programs, conferences, workshops, and other skill-enhancing initiatives for UP Diliman students. Here’s for the second week of September 2021!
- CUHK Virtual Events on Healthy Ageing, & Education
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is committed to connecting with partners and friends to exchange knowledge, share experience, and build collaborations. They are pleased to present the following events which may be of interest:
- UQ-CUHK Health Equity Webinar Series Healthy Ageing in a Changing World (13 September 2021, 4:00pm–5:00pm (HK time))
As regional leaders, CUHK and The University of Queensland (UQ) are organizing a series of webinars on health equity in the coming months to generate dialogues in this topic of global significance.
Healthy ageing is a goal for all ageing societies, yet there are inequalities in healthy ageing. How should we measure this as an outcome? Both personal and environmental factors contribute to healthy ageing. Speakers from a diverse background from CUHK and UQ will explore these issues and discuss how society as a whole may facilitate healthy ageing in the context of social determinants.
For more information, click here.
- HKERA-APERA International Conference 2021 Connectivity, Inclusivity & Sustainability: Generating Changes & Creating Impacts (9-11 December 2021)
The Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA)-Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) International Conference is an important occasion for educational researchers and practitioners to engage in dialogues and exchanges on some of the current and pressing issues, including inclusive and equitable education, digital divide, wellbeing, gender and policy, early years to post-secondary education, value, civic and life education, and the roles of school leaders and teachers in the post-pandemic educational landscape.
Call for abstracts: Proposals for paper presentations related to any of the following sub-themes are invited: Sustainability Education, Inclusion and Exclusion in Education, and Impact of COVID-19. Submission deadline is 30 September 2021.
For more information, click here.
- Call for Papers for the WAPOR ASIA 4th Annual Conference, Bangkok Entitled “The New Normal in Survey Research Methodology and Changing Attitudes” on 16-17 November 2021
King Prajadhipok’s Institute welcomes academic papers in the field of public opinion research concerning the following themes:
- methodology challenges
- democratic governance
- inequality issues
- gender equality
- new media platforms
- public service
- e-governance
- social cohesion
- globalization of culture
- climate change
- local governance
- civic engagement
- ethics and integrity
- non-traditional security
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS)
Approved abstracts will be published on the WAPOR Asia website and approved papers will be eligible for publication in PATT journal No. 6, December 2021 or No. 7, 2022 (PAAT journal is produced by the Public Administration Association of Thailand, and authors wishing to publish in PAAT journal would need to submit their papers to the PAAT review and revision process).
To propose a paper, please submit the abstract to the email below by September 10th, 2021. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by September 20th, 2021.
For more information, please contact waporasia2021@gmail.com or visit www.waporasia2021.com.
- How to do a funded PhD in Europe: Round table with Singaporean doctoral candidates
Find out about the MSCA Doctoral Fellowships and get tips & advice for your PhD journey from Singaporean PhD students in Europe!
The webinar will take place on 25 September at 2.30pm (Singapore time). For more information, click here.
- Save the date: EIT Health Summit 2022
EIT Health Summit 2022 will take place in Stockholm, Sweden on 24-25 May 2022 hosted by the Karolinska Institute. Healthcare leaders from around 30 different countries will engage in inspiring discussions about current topics, e.g. how healthcare systems can incorporate and reform new care delivery and financial approaches, to recover from COVID and ensure that healthcare systems are sustainable, resilient and prepared for future health threats.
To learn more about the summit, click here.
- 3rd CSDR ASEAN 2021 Conference (23 & 24 November 2021)
The 3rd Climate Smart and Disaster Resilient ASEAN (CSDRA) is a two-day conference that aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, scholars, government agencies, non-government organizations, and other stakeholders to share their experiences and research results on aspects of climate change and disaster risks in South East Asia.
To learn more about the conference, click here.
- Learning Innovation Festival (LIFE) 2021
Learning Innovation Festival (LIFE) 2021 brings together speakers, faculty members, and staff members to explore educational issues and challenges, and provides opportunities for faculty members to showcase their innovative teaching practices.
SMU Centre for Teaching Excellence cordially invites counterparts from our AUN-TEPL network partner Universities to join us on 7th October as we explore innovative and effective technology enhanced personalized teaching & learning.
For the program and list of speakers, please visit their website at https://cte.smu.edu.sg/learning-innovation-festival-2021. To register, click here.
- 8th ASEF Regional Conference on Higher Education (ARC8)
The 8th ASEF Regional Conference on Higher Education (ARC8) is taking place virtually on Friday, 10 September 2021. Titled “Outlook 2030: Inclusive and Diverse Higher Education in Asia and Europe”, the conference invites Asian and European higher education and student leaders, policymakers and experts to leverage on the current COVID-19 disruption and put the values of inclusion and equity in the center of their recovery roadmap.
They warmly invite you to join on Friday, 10 September and explore the Outlook Report 2030: Inclusive and Diverse Higher Education that will be launched on the day, and to discuss recommendations for policy makers and universities on making higher education in Asia and Europe more inclusive in the next decade.
The conference is free and accessible to all interested in the topic. The registration link is available here: https://bit.ly/3lwQqX1.
To learn more relevant information about the ARC Conference, please click here.
- EDUtech Thailand 2021
Introducing EDUtech Thailand, a virtual festival taking place on 14-15 September to bring together the education community across Thailand. Featuring 100+ renowned and inspirational speakers from across the country, the festival will be broadcasting LIVE ONLINE to you across the 2 days in both English and Thai.
Addressing the role of technology in K-12 and Higher Education, you will be able to attend two channels of premium case studies, panel discussions and technology showcases by the leading minds in education in Thailand. There will also be a virtual exhibition hall where educators can explore cutting-edge technologies aimed at achieving institutional goals.
Join the virtual festival online from the comfort and safety of your home or institution, either live or watch the sessions later on-demand.
Admission is free for all to attend. To register and learn more, please click here.
- Fully-funded DAAD-TUAF Scholarships 2021/2022
The Advanced Education Program of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (TUAF) is pleased to announce the call for the DAAD-TUAF Scholarship program for Southeast Asian countries for the Academic year 2022/2023.
The DAAD-TUAF scholarship program, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), provides opportunities for people from Southeast Asian countries to pursue the Master program of Environmental Science at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry.
The scholarship covers tuition fee, monthly stipend, travel allowance, insurance, and others. Besides, DAAD- TUAF scholarship holders have chances to apply for a research stay in Germany for 2 up to 6 months with the short-term research scholarship, including a monthly scholarship payment for living costs, health/accident/personal liability insurance, and a flat-rate travel allowance.
Deadline for submission of the application to the TUAF: on 20 January 2022
Scholarship official website:
- El Colegio de Mexico Course/Diploma in Analysis and Control of Corruption at the Subnational Level
COLMEX is pleased to share that they are launching a brand new online course in Spanish entitled “Analysis and control of corruption at the subnational level” (Diplomado en análisis y control de la corrupción a nivel subnacional), which will be held from October 6, 2021, to May 28, 2022. This brand course is open to everyone interested in topics related to (anti) corruption, it has a flexible format and you can get a Diploma at the end.
Contact information:
Web page: https://diplomado-corrupcion.colmex.mx/inscripcion
Email: diplomado-corrpucion@colmex.mx
- Universitas Padjadjaran Graduate School International Online Summer Course 2021 “Tropical Wisdoms and Treasuries
Universitas Padjadjaran is pleased to invite students to participate in the International Online Summer Course 2021 organized by Universitas Padjadjaran Graduate School (GradSchool UNPAD) with the theme of “Tropical Wisdoms and Treasuries”.
In this summer course, GradSchool UNPAD is collaborating with international experts to explore some of the exciting interdisciplinary works related to Tropical Wisdoms and Treasuries and, during the course, faculties are available to discuss research ideas and projects with program participants.
This summer course will be held on October 4 – 12, 2021. Both Indonesian and international participants are eligible to apply. All the topics in the course will be delivered in English.
For registration: https://tinyurl.com/gradunpad2021
Registration fee exemption will be given for international participants. The deadline for registration is 15 September 2021.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the staff through this email: international.sps@unpad.ac.id
- National Pingtung University Elite Scholarship Program
The Elite Lecturer Scholarship Program is set up by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan in 2017, working in concert with the New Southbound policy.
The Scholarship is open to university/college lecturers from the following countries: Indonesia, Philippine, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan.
Below is the basic information about the scholarship:
Study year
Commencing from 2021 Fall Semester until 2025.
Duration of scholarship
3 years in Ph. D. program. Review annually.
2 years in master programs. Review annually.
Amount of scholarship
NTD 25,000 per month (NTD300,000 per year)
※The scholarship does not include tuition waiver. Students will need to pay tuition fees and credit fees.
Application period: Before October 31, 2021.
Requirements: CV and lecturer certificate (English version)
To apply: Submit all application materials to Sonia Lee at lee@mail.nptu.edu.tw
Students may not apply if they:
- Hold Taiwan nationality or have the status of an overseas Chinese student.
- Are enrolled or have retained admission in a university in Taiwan. (This restriction does not apply to students who are on course to graduate and will be pursuing their next degree; however, they must still be a lecturer from a South or Southeast Asian country.)
- Previously studied in Taiwan for a degree at the same level.
- Are exchange students or dual-degree students through a partnership agreement with an institution overseas.
- Has already received stipends through this program for more than three years.
- Have been awarded by foreign governmental institutions or scholarship from a Taiwan government agency to support their studies in Taiwan.
- 2021 STI Joint Call for Proposals: Sustainable Food Production and Climate Change: Resilience & Adaptation
The 2021 STI Joint Call for Proposals: Sustainable Food Production and Climate Change: Resilience & Adaptation is now open for applications.
Deadline is 15 October 2021 12:00 (noon) CEST/ 05:00 pm Bangkok time.
For more information, click here.
- Research Career Opportunities from Euraxess ASEAN
- [DENMARK] 8 Marie Sklodowska-Curie PhD fellowships in Biomedical Research Are you scientifically curious and determined to pursue a PhD degree? Are you also interested in understanding why diseases arise and how to develop new treatments? If yes, you might be an excellent candidate for a fully-funded PhD position in discovering treatment from biomedical research at the Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC) in Denmark.
The application deadline is 1 November 2021.
The IST-BRIDGE program at IST Austria offers fully funded (two-year) postdoctoral fellowships for highly qualified candidates who have completed or will soon complete their PhD or equivalent in the natural or computer sciences, mathematics or any related discipline.
The application deadline is 5 November 2021.
The IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) seeks to inspire and support young women to pursue a career in the nuclear field. To that end, the MSCFP provides scholarships to selected students studying towards a Master’s degree in nuclear related subjects as well as internship opportunities facilitated by IAEA.
Deadline is 30 September 2021
The EMBL International PhD Programme (EIPP), originally established in 1983, provides PhD students with an excellent starting platform for a successful career in science by fostering early independence and interdisciplinary research.
EMBL is dedicated to promoting excellence in the molecular life sciences throughout Europe.
Application deadline is 11 October 2021.
Shaping European Research Leaders for Marine Sustainability (SEAS) is a postdoctoral research fellowship programme for 37 fellows launched and managed by the University of Bergen.
Application deadline is 31 October 2021.
The University of Eastern Finland invites applications for 7 PhD positions in the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Cofund DP project Neuro-Innovation: Research and innovation for brain health throughout life.
Application deadline is 31 October 2021.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality.
Application deadline is 12 October 2021.
WeNet was launched in January 2019 to empower machine-mediated diversity-aware social interactions. The main objective of the Open Call is to extend the impact of the WeNet project by involving additional institutions, by increasing the diversity in terms of communities of users and data collected, by collecting further data to feed the WeNet Research Infrastructure (RI), by exposing a larger number of individuals and communities to the WeNet vision and tool, by fostering the creation of a community of innovators around the WeNet platform, by collecting feedback from early adopters on the usability, usefulness, and ethical implications of the WeNet platform and RI.
Application deadline is 30 September 2021.
The Junior Research Fellowship Programme supports Thai post doctorates who intend to spend 2 to 6 months scientific stay in a laboratory in France.
Application deadline is 25 October 2021.
- [GERMANY] Fraunhofer Attract Research Grants
“Fraunhofer Attract” gives researchers the chance to head their own research group, taking responsibility for budgets and personnel. Through its funding programme, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft supports external researchers wishing to work closely with industry with a view to turning their findings into practical applications. Fraunhofer currently runs 72 institutes and research institutions in Germany.
Deadline is 15 September 2021.
For other research career opportunities in Europe, please visit their website at https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/search.
Thank you very much.