Hello there! The UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs’ #OpportunitiesCorner is an update on available scholarships, exchange programs, conferences, workshops, and other skill-enhancing initiatives for UP Diliman students. Here’s for the third week of June 2022!
3rd ASEAN Energy Youth Awards (AEYA)
The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) in collaboration with Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), and supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE) of Korea and Korea Energy Agency (KEA) are pleased to announce the 3rd ASEAN Energy Youth Awards (AEYA) with the theme “Accelerating Energy Transition towards Economic Recovery and Sustainable Growth” to recognize young students’ valuable contributions to nation-building, sustainable development, and energy transition.
The 3rd AEYA consists of three (3) categories, namely Essay, Infographic Poster, and Video for Highschool and College/University levels.
In this regard, we would like to kindly seek your support to disseminate the 3rd ASEAN Energy Youth Awards to your networks. The guidelines of Awards are attached for your reference.
Qualifications of the Applicants
- ASEAN Citizenship
- The awards are open to enrolled High School and University/College (Bachelor’s degree) students
- One applicant could only apply for one category
- Applicant can be individual or group/team
- The previous winners and runners-up are not allowed to submit entries to the same categories in this year’s Awards
Registration link:
Submission Deadline:
15 July 2022
Full information:
Education in Crisis: Dispositions and Problem-Solving Strategies Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Commission on Higher Education hereby informs all interested parties of the International Conference titled “Education in Crisis: Dispositions and Problem-Solving Strategies Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic” August 24-25, 2022 organized by the Society for Strategic Education Studies in partnership with the College of Education, Silliman University.
This conference creates a platform where various stakeholders in education in various contexts could engage in a conversation about their experiences and observations on the educational crisis spawned by the pandemic. The conference strands fall under the theme “Dispositions and Problem-Solving Strategies amid the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The strands include, but are not limited to: Pedagogical Approaches, Technological Affordances, Student Engagement, and Parental Involvement
For further details please visit their website at https://su.edu.ph/s4ses-
Call for Papers and Reviewers: IICAIET2022 (First Extension)
The IEEE Sabah Subsection is organizing the 4th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology 2022 (IICAIET2022), co-organized by the Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), which will be held virtually and physically in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia from 13 to 15 September 2022. The conference will provide an excellent platform for knowledge exchange between researchers working in the areas of Artificial Intelligence. Prospective authors are invited to submit a full paper (4-6 pages) describing original work on all aspects of artificial intelligence.
Paper submission page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iicaiet2022
MOHRES Hot Topic in Research Ethics Webinar Series: Navigating the Ethical Dimension of Ethical Hesitance Research
You are invited to join the “MOHRES Hot Topic in Research Ethics” Webinar Series entitled Bridging the Research- Therapy Divide in the Regulatory Governance of Artificial Intelligence as Medical Devices happening on 23 June 2022 9.00pm (EST)/ 24 June 2022 9.00am (MYT) with Calvin Wai Loon Ho, JSD, FRSPH, Johns Hopkins University, as the resource speaker.
Please register here: https://tinyurl.com/MORESJune24. The Zoom link will be provided to you after completion of registration.
This programme is organized by the Master of Health Research Ethics (MOHRE) programme at University Malaya. It is supported by the Fogarty International Center of the United States, National Institutes of Health (Grant R25TW010891) in collaboration with the Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University.
2022 Oxford Summer Sessions
The International Round Table Symposium announces 2022 Oxford Summer Sessions to be held at Harris Manchester College, Oxford University, Oxford, England. Visit the conference website ( https://www.
CUHK Virtual Events on Cancer Prevention & Control and Evolutionary Linguistics
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is committed to connecting with partners and friends to exchange knowledge, share experience, and build collaborations. The following are events which may be of interest:
- The Asia-Pacific is home to about 60% of the world’s population and accounts for about 50% of the total global cancer incidence. Cancer has received increasing attention in the Asia-Pacific region as the region has experienced demographic changes which have led to a high prevalence of unhealthy risk factors. Health systems in Asia-Pacific countries may not be equipped to deal with the rapidly increasing burden of cancer. In this webinar, scholars from four member universities of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) will present their latest research on cancer prevention and control. Register here.
Co-organized by The University of Chicago, CUHK, and The University of Hong Kong, this workshop aims to assess the extent to which layers of population movements and language contacts in East and Southeast Asia (ESEA) can account for the specificities of language evolution in the region. The co-hosts and speakers will discuss topics including language speciation and the emergence of new language varieties, language endangerment and loss, whether developments in ESEA are consistent with what has been observed in other parts of the world, and what are some specificities of ESEA that should be noted. Register here.
2022 Local Chapter Workshop – Open for Registration!
The 2022 SATU Presidents’ Forum Local Chapter Workshop scheduled for 16 June 2022 is now open for registration! Jointly organized by Universitas Airlangga and National Cheng Kung University, the event will focus on “The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Solving Contemporary Issues Related to SDGs”.
- SATU Presidents’ Forum International Secretariat
- satu@ncku.edu.tw | 886-6-2099250 | 886-6-2757575 #50960
- https://satu.ncku.edu.tw/
The LGBTQIA+ Migrant Experience
The UP-CIFAL Philippines, in partnership with the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UP CWGS) and PANTAY Pilipinas, invites you to an upcoming webinar titled “The LGBTQIA+ Migrant Experience: Surfacing Gender and Sexuality in Migration-Development Nexus”. This webinar will be held on 16 June 2022 (Thursday) at 3:00 PM (Manila Time)/9:00 AM (Geneva Time). This event is in celebration of Pride Month.
Join them as they strengthen the commitment to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) specifically Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls as well as Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries.
Registration Link: https://up-edu.zoom.us/
Regional Policy Dialogue on Schools Connectivity and Digital Transformation
The SEAMEO SEAMOLEC in cooperation with SEAMEO Secretariat and International Telecommunication Union (ITU), as an ICT specialized agency under the United Nations, jointly organize a “Regional Policy Dialogue on Schools Connectivity and Digital Transformation (Virtual)” on Tuesday 14 June 2022 at 13:00-16:00 hrs (GMT+7/Bangkok Time).
This event will be participated by officials of Ministries of Education in Southeast Asia, Southeast Asia schools’ principals and teachers, as well as representatives of telecommunication providers or EdTech firms in Southeast Asia.
Register yourself for free to this link: https://etraining.seamolec.org/course-info?id=7380ad8a673226ae47fce7bff88e9c33.
APRU Virtual Student Exchange Program Season 1, 2022-2023
A new academic year, a new VSE Season – Season 1, 2022-23 of the APRU Virtual Student Exchange program is now OPEN for application! VSE Season 1 offers regular-term courses with starting dates from July to December. The first few universities have released their course details and more courses by other APRU member universities are on the way! Don’t forget to stay tuned for the updates. Just like previous Seasons, you can take at most two courses in Season 1.
EXPLORE academic courses available at VSE Season 1, 2022-23 by checking the website at https://vse.apru.org/s12223/.
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Archi-Cultural Summer Programme
The Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), cordially invites everyone to join their physical (in-person) Summer Programme with the theme Archi-Cultural. Students will learn the unique architecture in Malaysia and with a little twist of Malaysian culture as well.
The Archi-Cultural Summer Program is not only for students majoring in architecture but it is also suitable for students majoring in other courses. This is to allow the students to familiarize with the unique architecture Malaysia has to offer and also the diverse culture in Malaysia that is available.
Exciting activities and site visits around Penang will also be included in the summer programme. All the details of the Archi-Cultural Summer Programme is provided in the brochure attached in this email. The brochure will also include the link and QR code for the participation of students.
The details and fee for the Archi-Cultural Summer Programme is as follows:
- Location : Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Main Campus, Penang Island
- Duration : 13th August – 27th August
- Normal fee : 650USD
- Early bird rate : 550USD
The programme fees covers the academic. classes, cultural activities and excursions throughout the programm. Whereas USM will be providing hostel accommodation and daily breakfast and lunches for participants from our partner universities for FREE.
Thank you for your cooperation and if you have any enquiries regarding this programme, feel free to contact us using the email provided below :
E-mail : usmsummerprog@usm.my
2022 Summer e-GYLA: Flagship Learning Course Cooperated with UNIDO
The 2022 Summer Global Youth Leadership Academy (GYLA) will be jointly held with UNIDO from July 18 to 29. Students at all levels are welcome to participate.
Global Youth Leadership Academy (GYLA) is a youth-led platform, a flagship learning program for Empowering Youth as Future Leaders, Social Entrepreneurs and International Civil Servants for Engagement in Achievement of SDGs. GYLA provides young people with opportunities to learn and exchange knowledge and experiences with global leaders to unleash their potential to become systems thinkers, change-makers, social innovators and global leaders. More than 1,300 participants from 50+ universities across the world have attended GYLA. 50+ of them work in the United Nations and hundreds of them study in top universities after graduation.