Hello there! The UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs’ #OpportunitiesCorner is a weekly update on available scholarships, exchange programs, conferences, workshops, and other skill-enhancing initiatives for UP Diliman students. Here’s for the ending week of March 2021!
Seminars and Conferences
International Virtual Symposium on Research, Industry and Community Engagement
Akademi Pengajian Bahasa (APB), in collaboration with Department of International Affairs, UiTM Global, Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam are pleased to invite you to the International Virtual Symposium on Research, Industry and Community Engagement that will be virtually held on 25 June 2021.
The symposium’s main theme is ‘1 Lecturer, 1 Industry’ inclusive of several sub themes as follows:
- University Engagement (Local & International)
- Lifelong Learning
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation in Education
- Commercialisation & the Society
- Community Engagement
Important Dates:
- Extended Abstract Submission : 9th April 2021
- Virtual Symposium : 25th June 2021
Admission is FREE for all and e-certificate will be provided. For more information, please contact Akademi Pengajian Bahasa, Universiti Teknologi MARA through noorh763@uitm.edu.my or norlailayahya130@uitm.edu.my.
Virtual Launch of the University of British Columbia’s Global Engagement
Join UBC President and Vice-Chancellor, Santa J. Ono for the launch of UBC’s global engagement strategy, In Service on Monday, 12 April 2021 (8:30 – 9:45 am PT)
The program features local and global speakers in conversation on what it means to be a university “in service” to the world through equitable collaborations — from research on issues of global relevance to capacity development work and global educational experiences.
For more information on the event, visit: https://global.ubc.ca/strategy-launch-event
RSVP by 06 April 2021 here: https://ubc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vy4EaulbQSSo16aRLVfq0g
Call for Papers on “Digital Inclusion and Digital Divide in Education Revealed by the Global Pandemic”
This Special Issue of the International Journal of Multicultural Education is aimed at exploring “digital inclusion” through the use of technology-facilitated learning platforms and modalities, such as distance learning, virtual learning, blended learning, mobile learning, and ubiquitous learning, to name a few within the multicultural environment of schooling. The Special Issue also hopes to give attention to studies and cases that highlight the systematic implementation and practical responses of schools and classrooms in countries that have the digital infrastructure and technological advancement and in those that do not have. We encourage academics and scholars to question the “digital divide” and the challenges and implications that this disparity brings to education.
For more information, visit their website at: https://www.ijme-journal.org/index.php/ijme/announcement/view/25
Deadline of submissions is on 15 April 2021.
International Indigenous Student Knowledge Fair
York University and partners invite you to join the International Indigenous Student Exchange Knowledge Fair on Wednesday, April 7th, 7:00 – 9:30 PM Toronto EST.
Understanding Indigeneity transcends national and regional contexts, York University launched the International Indigenous Student Exchange Program providing opportunities for dialogue and collaboration between Indigenous students at York and their peers in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico and the Philippines on topics as Indigenous knowledge and histories, language and cultures, the land, disrupting colonial spaces and re-indigenization, spirituality and current issues that Indigenous students and communities face in Canada and around the world. Join us at the Knowledge Fair and hear students, faculty and organizers share about their learnings with the wider community.
Registration link: https://yorku.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Hpq42PhmSFO0czADIxlnYQ
Solve Climate by 2030 Webinar
The Department of Social Development Services, College of Human Ecology, University of the Philippines Los Baños together with the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), Bard College’s Center for Environmental Policy, UP OVPAA, UP OIL, Oscar M. Lopez Center, and The Climate Reality Project PH are co-organizing a webinar entitled “Science and Art for Climate Action: a Co-Creative Process” from 2:00-4:00 pm on 14 April 2021 (Philippine Standard Time). The webinar will bring together artists, scientists, and community leaders to discuss ways on how co-creation in the arts and sciences can address some of the most pressing climate issues today.
Interested participants may register here: http://bit.ly/3923AUz
For inquiries, kindly email the lead organizer, Dr. Jennifer Marie S. Amparo atjsamparo@up.edu.phor Prof. Ron Jay P. Dangcalan at rpdangcalan@up.edu.ph.For international and local webinars and learning resources for climate action, please visit the website: https://www.bard.edu/cep/solardominance/
Kindly show your support in co-creating climate action through science and art by using the hashtag #SolveClimateby2030 #CoCreatingClimateSolutions #ClimateActionNow
Japan in the Age of Fraying International Order
Portland State Center for Japanese Studies will host an online event on April 7, 2021 during which, Hokkaido University’s professor, Ken Endo will analyze Japan’s role in the contemporary world.
This presentation is intended to explore Japan’s role in the age of fraying international order. It first analyses the dominant trends and issues in the contemporary world: in particular, the dismaying performance of the advanced democracies, the rise of the authoritarian regimes, as well as the Sino-American hegemonic rivalries. Then it moves on to review the current state of Japan and consider the implications for Japan’s expected international role, before concluding on the potential for Japan-US-Europe cooperation
Registration link here: https://pdx.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_O0gWMZgcScOWhDr_cpMmWQ
AppliedHE Fireside Chat 2021: Decoupling research impact and education excellence within universities for better outcomes
The AppliedHE Fireside Chat webinars offer participants a chance to have a conversation about the real challenges in higher education: the inconvenient issues that many struggle with, but which rarely receive the attention they deserve. Through an open dialogue that draws in both panelists and the audience, the AppliedHE Fireside Chat is a thoughtful, intelligent and respectful forum that aims to bring together a community of higher education leaders to exchange views and build mutual understanding.
The first session of AppliedHE Fireside Chat 2021 is titled “Decoupling research impact and education excellence within universities for better outcomes” and will be hosted by Mrs. Winnie Eley, a veteran Hong Kong-based higher education leader with vast experience across different parts of the British Commonwealth.
For more information, please visit: https://lnkd.in/gAXSa5Y
Register now through this link: https://lnkd.in/gMgd9T6
International Exchanges Unbound: Developing Co-curricular Programmes to Support Virtual Mobility Workshop
Join this interactive session to hear the first-hand lessons that universities have drawn from hosting co-curricular courses in the APRU Virtual Student Exchange program which will be held on 16 April 2021 from 09AM – 10:30 AM (HKT) organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and APRU.
In this workshop, case study presentations from five universities (Korea University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Tohoku University, Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ), and University of California, Davis) will provide lessons on running engaging co-curricular programs. University presenters will also facilitate breakout groups with participants in one category of the co-curricular program (Cultural, Leadership, Career, Social).
For more information, visit their website at: https://apru.org/event/international-exchanges-unbound-developing-co-curricular-programmes-to-support-virtual-mobility/
APRU Global Health Working Group Webinars: Teaching in Virtual Environments (Part III)
Transitioning our courses online has provided opportunities for innovation. Have you tried a new technology? Created videos for a flipped classroom? Discovered a new way to engage students in a difficult topic? Changed your content to respond to the realities of the pandemic? In this session we will hear about online teaching innovations from APRU teaching experts. Using the breakout rooms, we will then have time for discussion in small groups and return to the large room for the full group discussion. Join us for this opportunity to learn from our network as we continue to adapt our courses to remote instruction.
A certificate of completion is available to people who participate in all three sessions.
For the list of sessions, please visit: https://apru.org/event/apru-global-health-working-group-webinars-teaching-in-virtual-environments-part-iii/
Scholarships and Exchange Programs
Scholarship for Master of Health Research Ethics (MOHRE) Programme, Universiti Malaya
University of Malaya, Malaysia is offering the Master of Health Research Ethics (MOHRE) Programme. This Programme is jointly developed by the Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University (US). It is co-funded by the University of Malaya and National Institute of Health, USA.
This one-year programme provides an excellent opportunity for students to learn about research ethical issues in the field of health and medicine through theories and practicum. It is particularly relevant to those who work in Institutional Review Boards, academicians who have an interest in research ethics, and healthcare researchers.
Ten scholarships will be offered to students from LMICs in South East Asia: Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam.
You can find out more about this Programme at: mohre.um.edu.my. The application deadline is on 25th June 2021.
2021 KOICA Scholarship Program for Civil Society Leadership, Ajou University
We are very pleased to announce the launch of the new master’s program in Civil Society Leadership at Ajou University. This program is designed to train manager level staff members who have gained experiences at the civil society organizations and NGOS in Asian countries.
Ajou’s M.A. in Civil Society and Leadership program is fully funded by the KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) and this scholarship will cover tuition fees, living allowances, insurance, and the roundtrip airfare. For this first year of this exciting new Master’s program, we are looking for talented members of well-respected civil society organizations (CSO) who are highly interested in gaining master’s level academic and professional knowledge in order to play a key role in each country’s economic and social development as a key member of civil society organizations.
Detailed program information is as follows:
- Program Title: 2021 KOICA-AJOU Master’s Degree Program in Civil Society Leadership
- Eligible Countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, The Philippines, Timor-Leste, Vietnam
- Affiliation: Applicants should be members of well-respected civil society organizations (CSO) with a minimum 2 years of experience. Applicants must provide two recommendation letters written by someone in each of the following two categories:
- a senior member of your organization, an UN-associated organization, or other global civil society organization; and
- a senior member of your government office, Korean Embassy or the KOICA Overseas Office within your region.
- Training University: Graduate School of International Studies(GSIS), Ajou University (http://gsis.ajou.ac.kr/)
- Degree: Master of Arts in Social Studies (Civil Society Leadership)
- Language of the program: English (English proficiency is necessary.)
- Length of the Program (Duration of stay in Korea): 17 months (August 14, 2021 ~ January 13, 2023)
- Scholarship: The following expenses will be covered by KOICA during the participant’s stay in Korea.
- Tuition & Admission fee
- Accommodation (on-campus dormitory; double occupancy)
- Allowance: KRW 999,000 per month (to cover the meal, books and study supplies, etc.)
- Overseas travel insurance, etc.
Application Deadline: Monday, April 5, 2021 [to KOICA overseas offices.
– (Applicants in India: to Korean Embassy)]
For more detailed information about this new opportunity, please visit the program information page at http://gsis.ajou.ac.kr/gsis/Admission/Scholarship-Program.jsp or email us at gsis@ajou.ac.kr
University of Malaya AUN-DPPnet Postgraduate Scholarship 2021/2022
AUN-Disability and Public Policy (AUN-DPPnet) is the 12th thematic of ASEAN University Network (AUN) based in the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. AUN-DPPnet aspires to support postgraduate education for the disabled people across ASEAN to advocate disability policies in their own country. The University of Malaya AUN-DPPnet is supported financially by The Nippon Foundation of Japan.
Disabled applicants with outstanding academic accomplishment from ASEAN countries are invited to apply for this scholarship to further their postgraduate studies in any field at selected institutions within the ASEAN University Network.
Eligibility Criteria:
- ASEAN Nationals i.e. Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Indonesia, Philipines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore and Myanmar;
- Applicants must have completed their Bachelor’s Degree with good academic standing;
- Applicants must be certified medically by a Professional Medical Practitioner, to have some categories of disability but of excellent health to be eligible for this scholarship. The cost of medical examination to be borne by applicants;
- Applicants must have secured admission to selected member institutions of AUN. However, those who have made applications for postgraduate studies, but have not yet received an offer letter are encouraged to apply;
Application closing date: 31 July 2021
APRU Global Health Student Case Competition 2021
Case competitions are increasingly popular around the world as a way for students to exercise critical thinking skills using a “real world” challenge. For this international, virtual competition, teams of 4-6 students will receive a challenge relating to a pressing global health problem. Teams will be given up to ten weeks to prepare a video of up to 10 minutes in English proposing a realistic, well-designed, innovative solution to the challenge. Teams will save their videos on YouTube or Vimeo and submit the link via email for judging by an international panel of APRU Global Health Program members and other global expert judges.
Three videos will be chosen by an international panel of judges for the final round, which will be held as part of the 2021 APRU GH annual conference. The winning team will be announced at the conference and a prize of US$1,000 will be awarded.
Register now and the case challenge will be sent to you on April 2.
For more information, visit their website at https://apru.org/event/apru-global-health-student-case-competition-2021/
All the best, mga Iskolar ng Bayan!