Hello there! The UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs’ #OpportunitiesCorner is a weekly update on available scholarships, exchange programs, conferences, workshops, and other skill-enhancing initiatives for UP Diliman students. Here’s for Week 3 of February 2021!
2022 Ajinomoto Postgraduate Scholarship Grant
The Ajinomoto Post Graduate Scholarship Grant seeks to help deserving Filipino students who require financial assistance to pursue a master’s course at specified graduate schools in sciences. Ajinomoto extends the Scholarship Grant to other esteemed universities in Japan for the school year 2022. This grant can be applied to specified graduate schools at the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Nagoya University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ochanomizu University, Waseda University, and Kagawa Nutrition University.
Entitlements under the program include the following:
· ¥150,000 monthly allowance for a maximum of 1 year as a research student at a graduate school
· ¥180,000 monthly allowance for a maximum of 2 years as a master’s course student at a graduate school
· Full coverage of examination, admission and tuition fees
· Full coverage of Japanese language training before going to Japan
· Full coverage of one-way airfare to Japan
Scholarship Eligibility
· Must be a Filipino citizen
· Must have graduated or is expected to graduate with an excellent academic record (with 15 years of education completed or expected to be completed) and must bear a recommendation of his/her university president or academic advisor or be otherwise qualified to enroll in the chosen Japanese University
· Must be under the age of 35 on April 01, 2021
· In principle, the applicant must be able to obtain approval of acceptance as either a postgraduate international research student (hereinafter “Research Student”) or a graduate school student (master’s course) (hereinafter “Master’s Course Student”) from the chosen Japanese University and be registered as a Research Student or a Master’s Course Student for April 2022 or October 2022
· Must show financial need to pursue higher education
· Must acquire adequate Japanese language proficiency that is required in order to research and study in a master’s course, when enrolling as a Master’s course student
· Must file application and attend selection procedures in the Philippines
· Must be in good physical and mental health and have strong motivation for learning
· Must not be receiving other scholarships
· Must apply from the Philippines and be able to attend selection procedures when necessary
· Must have a strong sense of nationalism, leadership and motivation
Application Period:
The deadline of application for the 2022 Ajinomoto Postgraduate Scholarship Grant is on 01 March 2021.
Application Requirements:
1. Accomplish the following downloadable forms:
• Application Form 1 and Form 2
• 2022_Field of Study and Study Plan
• Financial Assistance Application Form
• 2 Recommendation Forms – (to be accomplished by University President/Chancellor and/or Academic Advisor).
Note: Additional recommendation letters will also be accepted
– To download the forms please visit www.ajinomoto.com.ph and look under the ‘What’s New’ section
2. Attach the following:
• 3 passport photos taken within the last 6 months
• Transcript of Scholastic record issued by the university and/or graduate school attended (or certified true copy of transcripts from the university if the university does not issue copies of transcript)
Note: For applicants whose transcripts of records do not indicate a general weighted average, submit a certificate indicating general weighted average
• Certified true copy of University/ College diploma (For graduating students who cannot provide this yet at the time of application, submit a Certificate of Graduation)
• Photocopied documents proving Japanese proficiency of the applicant (such as results of JPLT, EJU and other tests provided by Japanese training institutions) when required by the University, if available
• TOEFL and GRE scores when required by the graduate school which the applicant wishes to enroll, if available
• If the applicant is currently employed, please submit the following:
a. Latest Income Tax Return or Certificate of Compensation / Tax Withheld, and
b. Latest Certificate of Employment and Compensation indicating annual/monthly salary, bonuses, commissions, signed by the authorized company representative
• If the applicant is married, please submit:
a. Latest Income Tax Return or Certificate of Compensation / Tax Withheld of spouse, and b.
b. Latest Certificate of Employment of spouse, signed by the authorized company representative
• If the applicant is currently single and/or unemployed, please submit:
a. Latest Income Tax Return or Certificate of Compensation / Tax withheld, and
b. Latest Certificate of Employment of your employed parent(s)
• For self-employed parents, please submit:
a. Business/DTI Permit. Detailed description of the business
b. Income and Expenses financial statement of the previous year
• For parents not filing an ITR, please submit:
a. Letter indicating the reason for non-filling
b. Certified true copy of Certificate of Non-Filing from the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR)
• If parent/guardian is retired, please submit Retirement and/or Pension voucher
Submission of applications:
Place all accomplished forms and documents in a long brown envelope and send to:
Public Relations Department
Ajinomoto Philippines Corporation
Unit 1100, 11th Floor, V Corporate Centre
125 L.P. Leviste Street, Salcedo Village
Makati City, Philippines
Applicants may also contact OIL Diliman via UP Trunkline 8981-8500 local 2561 (c/o Ms. Catherine Tagaban), or oild_acadadminstaffmobility.upd@up.edu.ph.
PhilFrance-DOST Scholarship Program
Through a partnership by the French Embassy and the Department of Science and Technology’s Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI), the jointly administered PhilFrance-DOST Scholarship Program aims to encourage Filipino professionals working in academic, research, or government institutions to pursue a Master’s or Doctorate degree at a French public higher education institution.
Intending to strengthen exchanges of scientific knowledge between France and the Philippines, the PhilFrance Scholarship prioritizes the following fields of study: Agriculture, Biological Science, Climate Change, Forestry, Health and Medical Research, Material Sciences, Natural Resources and Environment, Nuclear Application on Health, and Veterinary Science.
Awardees of the PhilFrance-DOST Scholarship will be entitled to the following benefits:
- One round-trip ticket from Manila to France
- A monthly living allowance covering the duration of their study
- A relocation allowance
- Coverage of pre-travel expenses
From the French Embassy
- An exemption from public university registration fees
- An exemption from visa application
- A healthcare package
- Priority access to public student accommodations
Eligibility Criteria
Applicant must:
- Be a Filipino citizen
- Not be more than 50 years old at the time of the application
- Be in good health condition
- Hold a higher diploma recognized by the Philippine government allowing enrolment in the host course in French Republic
- Demonstrate an excellent academic level
- Demonstrate the knowledge or expertise required to carry out higher studies within the host establishment in the French Republic
- Pass the admission requirements for graduate studies in any of the public universities in France
- Pass the interview and other screening procedures
Application Material
DOST Requirements:
- Completed DOST Application Form
Available here: PhilFrance-DOST Application documents
- Birth Certificate
- Endorsement from two former professors in college (for MS application) or two former professors in the MS program (for PhD application)
- If employed:
- Recommendation from Head of Agency
- Permission to take a leave of absence (LOA) while on scholarship
- Medical certificate, as to health status and fitness to study, from a licensed physician with his/her PRC license number indicated
- Valid NBI Clearance
- Budgetary requirements (with supporting documents for bases of rates used)
Available here: PhilFrance-DOST Application documents
- Re-entry plan narrative
French Embassy Requirements
- CV (maximum of two pages) detailing academic, professional, and leadership experience
- Academic essay, no longer than 500 words, explaining the reasons for wanting to study in France and how the experience and degree will benefit the Philippines and Filipino society
– NB: Essays exceeding the word limit will be discarded along with the application.
Be advised that we ask for an academic essay, not a cover or motivation letter.
Submission of application/s through:
Submission of documents can be done through the following link: https://philfrance-scholarships.com/application/philfrance-dost-scholarships/
PhilFrance Scholarship Program
This scholarship program is directed to Filipino students and professionals wishing to come to France to pursue a Master’s degree in an academic discipline taught at a French higher education institution. It is awarded to highly-qualified candidates who have demonstrated strong academic leadership qualities in their scholarly and professional activities.
Awardees of the PhilFrance Scholarships will be entitled to the following benefits:
- Tuition subsidy
- For state-regulated public universities: Exemption from university registration fees
- For other French higher education institutions: Partial tuition fee subsidy, amounting to a maximum of €5,000 per academic year (non-negotiable), covering the duration of the Master’s program
- One round trip ticket from Manila to France
- An exemption from visa application fees
- A monthly living allowance of €700 covering the duration of their studies
- A healthcare package
- Priority access to public student accommodations
Eligibility Criteria
Applicant must be:
- A Filipino citizen residing in the Philippines at the time of application
- A graduate or graduating student of a Philippine higher education institution, i.e., a graduate or final-year student of a Bachelor-level degree
Application Material
Key requirements:
- One-page CV detailing applicant’s academic, professional, and leadership experience
- Academic essay, no longer than 500 words, explaining the reasons for wanting to study in France and how the experience and degree will benefit the Philippines and Filipino society
- Official copy of complete and most recent academic transcripts (university-level grades)
- Letter/s of acceptance or proof of a completed application to a Master’s degree program, issued by the French higher education institution (HEI) where the applicant applied to
- Letter/s of acceptance: Digital copy or screenshot of acceptance email
- Proof of completed application: Screenshot of the automated email confirmation upon successful submission of application, or of the on screen notification (on the HEI’s online application portal) of completed application
- Copy of the program of study / study plan (chosen program’s curriculum or academic calendar) for its duration
- Proof of financial resources (personal of household)
Examples: latest income tax return statement, recent bank statement or certificate
Submission of application/s through:
Submission of documents can be done through the following link: https://philfrance-scholarships.com/application/philfrance-scholarship/
Application Period:
Application for the PhilFrance-DOST Scholarship Program and for the PhilFrance Scholarship Program shall open on 08 February 2021 and close on 15 March 2021 (12:00 noon).
For further inquiries:
Applicants may also go to their website at https://philfrance-scholarships.com/ or contact OIL Diliman via UP Trunkline 981-8500 local 2561 (c/o Ms. Catherine Tagaban), or oild_acadadminstaffmobility.upd@up.edu.ph.
El Colegio de Mexico 2021 Summer Program
El Colegio de México, one of Mexico’s leading universities in social sciences and the humanities, is now accepting applications for its 2021 Summer Program, which will be held online from 25 of June 2021 to 23 of July 2021.
Participants will have the opportunity to take lessons in fields such as Linguistics and Literature, History and Politics, Economics, and Society and Environment, all with a focus on Mexico and Latin America and their role in a global society. Most classes will be held in English, with the exemption of some in Spanish or French. Aside from this, accepted applicants will also take Spanish language classes to further their immersion in the culture.
The deadline for applications is on 30 April 2021. For complete details on the application requirements and course details, you may visit https://summerprogram.colmex.
For further details or inquiries, your office may contact Mr. Juan Gabriel Espejo Ceballos, Head of Economic Affairs and Bilateral Cooperation, at jgespejo@sre.gob.mx or 8-812-2211 to 13 and 16.