The University of the Philippines Diliman recognizes the contribution of student organizations to the life of an academic community, to the production of knowledge and to the future of the country. A significant way to recognize the role and relevance of student organizations is given through the Parangal sa Samahang Mag-aaral, whose iteration this year was held last 22 June.
This year, seven UP Diliman organizations made it in the list. Here are the recipients of the award:
UP Volunteers for Children (UP VFC) – Bahay Eskuwela
Education and Literacy Category
Bahay Eskuwela was created by the UP Volunteers for Children (UP VFC) to address the need of alternative learning modules in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It replaced the organization’s program entitled “L.E.A.D: Letters and Learners Advocacy Program”, which was a yearly alternative literacy program that required weekly visits to an urban poor community.
Through the organization’s partnership with the Brgy. Pinyahan’s Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC) and Gawad Kalinga NIA, a total of 110 Bahay Eskuwela Kits were distributed to 55 children from NIA Community.
UP Business Administration Council (UP BAC) – Adopt A Barangay
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Category
Adopt-A-Barangay (AAB) is the social arm of the college spearheaded by UP BAC, which organizes relevant and sustainable development projects for its adopted barangay – Barangay Puray. Ever since AAB’s conception, the main field of interest has been entrepreneurship in Agriculture, which serves as the main source of livelihood of the 70 farmers of Barangay Puray. Through partnerships and sponsorships, AAB is able to provide both tangible and intangible solutions that helped develop the farmlands in Barangay Puray.
UP Academic League of Chemical Engineering Students (UP ALCHEMES) – Cheer UP Pinoy (CUP)
Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Category
Cheer UP Pinoy (CUP) is an annual nationwide service-oriented event organized by the UP Academic League of Chemical Engineering Students (UP ALCHEMES). As a student organization from the college of engineering, CUP focuses on raising environmental awareness through educational initiatives such as community workshops and social media infographics, and through contributions to chosen communities in need, such as donations and chemical engineering projects. In relation to this, there are subprojects under CUP (1) to help promote science-based solutions and practices to address the environmental problems in the country and (2) to help alleviate the conditions of Filipino communities in dire need through outreach programs.
UP Association of Biology Majors – UP ABM Free Clinic Program
Health, Sports, and Wellness
The UP ABM Free Clinic Program consists of many different events and projects geared towards providing community-centered, accessible, quality healthcare for the organization’s adopted community. With the pandemic limiting face-to-face interactions, the usual set up for medical missions would have been counterproductive. However, the call to boost community health grows stronger with the spread of COVID-19. Many people have lost their jobs and can barely provide for their day-to-day needs. One such need that may be compromised would be hygiene needs that are important for preventing the disease from spreading.
To adapt to the situation, UP ABM’s Free Clinic Program launched a donation drive entitled “Munting Handog sa Munting Pamayanan” that aimed to provide hygiene kits to 120 families from GK Munting Pamayanan, one of the communities that ABM has been supporting and also a PWD community.
UP Kalinaw – Organization Launching: “Panday Kalinaw: Prospects for Just Peace in Mindanao”
Peace Building and Social Development Category
On November 25, 2020, UP Kalinaw was officially recognized by the UP Diliman Office of Student Projects and Activities (OSPA). As part of its launching, the organization hosted a week-long event entitled PANDAY KALINAW: Prospects for Just Peace in Mindanao last November 30 to December 5, 2021. A series of publicity materials about UP Kalinaw and its Founding Members and the struggles of Mindanaoans for genuine and lasting peace were released on the official Facebook page of the organization. It culminated with a webinar where key Mindanaoan figures tackled the Tri-People of Mindanao and the peacebuilding in the grassroots.
UP Association of Chemistry Major and Enthusiasts (UP ACME) – Akapnayan: A Fundraising for COVID-19 Frontliners
Arts and Culture Category
The need to provide PPE to frontliners and HCWs to help protect them from COVID-19, and the rise of misinformation about COVID-19-related topics was what led to the launch of Akapnayan. Akapnayan was a month-long fundraising drive and information dissemination campaign about COVID-19-related topics which aimed to help address the COVID-19 crisis. The event was launched on March 20, 2020 and was held until April 16, 2020.
Akapnayan had two main objectives: (1) to educate the public on steps they can take to prevent the spread of COVID-19 while combating the false information circulating the internet about COVID-19 through the creation and dissemination of infographics; (2) to raise money to be donated to the fundraising campaign for HCWs fighting COVID-19 organized by Kaya Natin! Movement in coordination with the Office of the Vice President of the Philippines to provide HCWs and frontliners with PPE as well as food/care packages.
Community Animal Partners and Wellness Advocates UP (CAPWA UP) – CAPWA UP Grand Pakain
Special Citation
The Grand Pakain is a non-profit community service initiative in response to the present campus animal welfare issues brought about by the global pandemic and the Extreme Community Quarantine imposed in the country.
The abovementioned organizations were awarded a cash prize of PHP 20,000 and were officially recognized during the Parangal sa Mag-aaral 2021 LIVE event, alongside the student-achievers in the first semester of the remote learning setup.
Watch the awarding ceremony at