Moratorium on Student Loans for the Second Semester AY 2020-2021
Memorandum No. LRS-2021-001
This is to announce a moratorium on unpaid student loans for the Second Semester Academic Year 2020-2021 to allow students with outstanding loans to postpone payment and enroll without needing to file an appeal. Likewise, students may apply for financial assistance notwithstanding previous loan obligations, if any. Interest charges on outstanding loans are also waived for the period of coverage of this moratorium.
Because of the extraordinary circumstances of the pandemic, many students and their families are facing great socio-economic challenges. In the spirit that the UP Board of Regents during its 1287th meeting on April 12, 2013 approved the policy that “no qualified UP student shall be denied access to education due to financial incapacity,” the moratorium announced herewith is to ensure that no student is prevented from registering and fulfilling class requirements, nor have his/her grade withheld, on account of economic limitations.
This moratorium does not preclude the necessity for graduating students with loan obligations to settle their accountabilities as a condition for the release of their diploma, transcript of records, clearance, and other academic credentials from the University.
Students needing to avail themselves of the moratorium may request temporary lifting of their accountability tag in CRS through
Please be guided accordingly.