FOP-punta pa lang tayo sa exciting part!
Mga Freshie ng Bayan, gusto ninyo bang mas kilalanin pa ang Unibersidad ng Pilipinas Diliman?
What are you waiting for? Mag-register at dumalo sa 2022 FRESHIE ORIENTATION PROGRAM! Gaganapin ang programa online via Zoom sa darating na ika-2 ng Setyembre mula 2pm hanggang 5pm!
Pumunta lamang sa upang makapag-register! Kitakits!
NOTE: If you’re done with the Advanced Freshie Registration (AFR) but still do not have your UP Mail (, kindly refer here on how to obtain your personal account:…/online-dilnet-and-upmail…/. Otherwise, please wait for announcements or instructions from the Computer Center ( (