Hello there! The UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs’ #OpportunitiesCorner is a weekly update on available scholarships, exchange programs, conferences, workshops, and other skill-enhancing initiatives for UP Diliman students. Here’s for the fourth week of April 2021!
Seminars and Conferences
CUHK Institute of Health Equity Inaugural Symposium “Health Equity in Hong Kong & Beyond”
Date: 27 May 2021 | Time: 1:30pm-6:00pm (HK time) | Medium: Zoom (English)
Entering its first anniversary since establishment, the CUHK Institute of Health Equity will organize an international symposium featuring world-renowned experts to share their works and insights on health equity and ageing, economy, gender, policy, and COVID-19. There will also be a panel discussion on healthy equity studies in Hong Kong and their relevance to Asian economies.
- Prof. Sir Michael Marmot, Director, Institute of Health Equity, University College London & Co-Director, CUHK Institute of Health Equity
- Prof. Jean Woo, Co-Director, CUHK Institute of Health Equity & Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing
- Prof. Eng-kiong Yeoh, Co-Director, CUHK Institute of Health Equity
- Prof. Roger Chung, Associate Director, CUHK Institute of Health Equity
- Dr. Jessica Allen, Deputy Director, Institute of Health Equity, University College London
- Prof. Tung-liang Chiang, Professor of Health Policy, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University
- Dr. Kira Fortune, Coordinator of Social Determinants of Health, Division of Healthy Environments & Populations, WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific
- Prof. Hideki Hashimoto, Professor in Health & Social Behavior, School of Public Health, The University of Tokyo
- Prof. Chang-yup Kim, Professor of Health Policy, School of Public Health, Seoul National University
Registration will close on 26 May 2021. For further details, visit their website at https://www.ihe.cuhk.edu.hk/symposium2021is/
7th International Conference on Software Engineering & Computer Systems (ICSECS2021) and 4th International Conference on Computational Science (ICoCSIM2021)
Universiti Malaysia Pahang proudly presents a joint conference event of the 7th International Conference on Software Engineering & Computer Systems (ICSECS2021) and 4th International Conference on Computational Science(ICoCSIM2021) organized by the Faculty of Computing which will be held on 24-26 August 2021.
All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication. For submissions, please refer to the following links:
- ICSECS2021 – https://icsecs.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/cfp-21/submit-paper
- ICoCSIM2021 – https://icocsim.ump.edu.my/index.php/register2020/paper-submission
The submission deadline is 30 May 2021.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following: theoretical computer science, grid and cloud computing, knowledge based system, information system security, algorithm and data structure, information system development, and many more.
For more details, please visit https://icsecs.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/ or https://icocsim.ump.edu.my/index.php.
Conversations about our World
Join University of Oregon faculty for a speaker series during spring term 2021. All events will be held virtually and feature conversations between faculty and speakers from the University of Oregon community and beyond. Topics include indigenous arts, global communications after Covid, and identity in Asian and Asian Studies, and more.
Activities & Schedule:
- Changing Geopolitics of Global Communication in a Post-COVID World
- Apr 28, 2021 – 6pm Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7)
- Identity, Ambivalence, Homecoming: Travels Between Asian and Asian American Studies
- May 13, 2021 – 5pm Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7)
For more details, kindly visit https://vse.apru.org/co-curricular-highlight/#upcoming47
Korean Contemporary Art
Entering the globalized era at the moment, when the intellectual celebration of post-nationalism firmly established Asia within the new cultural map of the late twentieth century, the works of Korean artists and their seemingly nomadic presence became emblematic of such euphoric concepts as hybrid aesthetics and itinerant identity. After the traumatic rupture of 9/11 and the world financial crisis in late 2008, however, that moment feels almost like a mythical utopia which has been permanently lost. The incessant global military crises and the far-right politics’ appalling dominance in some parts of the world certainly complicate the understanding of the romantic discourses of hybridity and nomadism which marked the previous century.
The artists in this lecture, Prof. Jung-Ah Woo argues, have presented disparate modes of dealing with this sense of anxiety and nostalgia in the age of globalization.
Date & Time: May 13 – 10-11am Korea Standard Time (UTC+9)
Application Deadline: May 10
Further details and sign up link may be found here https://vse.apru.org/co-curricular-highlight/#upcoming49
Global Climate Change & Climate Tipping Point
A tipping point refers to a point where a phenomenon slowly progresses and then explodes in response to small forcing. Originally, the tipping point starts with economics, but recently, the climate tipping point has been drawing attention. In other words, global warming caused by the increase in greenhouse gases is slowly progressing now, but at some point, there can be a time when the Earth where we live changes rapidly. Recently, the Paris Agreements on Climate Change has decided to curb the rise in global temperatures by increasing greenhouse gases below 2 degrees Celsius, because scientists warned that a tipping point could come if it rises above 2 degrees Celsius. Gradual climate change also has a great impact on humanity, but rapid climate change can come as a catastrophe for mankind.
In this talk, Prof. Jong-Seong Kug will introduce a possibility of the climate tipping point as well as the ongoing global climate change.
Date & Time: Jun 16 – 10:30-11:30am Korea Standard Time (UTC+9)
Application Deadline: Jun 11
Further details and sign up link may be found here https://vse.apru.org/co-curricular-highlight/#upcoming50
International Higher Education Mobility Will Return to Normal Levels by September 2021
AppliedHE’s Squaring the Circle Debate (SCD) is back for a brand new season in 2021. Bringing together the world’s best speakers from academia and beyond. Addressing the most controversial issues of our time. Expertly moderated by the legendary Dr Kevin Downing. With a unique format that makes you, the audience, a critical part of the discussions as judge and impromptu debater. It’s the higher education webinar phenomenon that everyone’s talking about.
With the aim to inform, challenge, entertain and broaden your perspective, the SCD Season 2 Episode 2 with the motion: “International higher education mobility will return to normal levels by September 2021” will take place on Wednesday 5 May at 20:00 Singapore time (noon GMT).
For registrations, click here.
Creating and Maintaining Student Engagement when Online
Engaging students in learning is a complex task in all classroom situations. However, when the class is blended or fully online, there are additional challenges. The loss of facial cues and clues, the twitches, or yawns go unseen and, worse, unnoticed. Ensuring that students engage in learning means learning spaces must counter distraction and provide active participation opportunities that drive thinking and provide voice.
Dr. Lynn and Dr. Janis will explore various real-time interaction tools that enable you to teach to your students’ needs. From emojis and polls, to open exploration of ideas and debates, and turning the chat box into a live ‘twitter style’ feed, we will explore how tools within learning platforms give students voice and, in doing so, provide a reason to stay engaged. Our premise is to view the student cohort as a ‘social community’ where the rules of engagement are driven by a sense of voice and expertise. The student is more than a respondent, they are the content creator, leader of the information development and joint facilitator.
Details of the webinar:
- Date: 21 May 2021
- Time: 09:30 AM – 10:30 AM (SGT, GMT+8)
- Format: Via Zoom (Meeting link to be shared upon confirmation)
- Registration link here.
Registrations open for AUN-CA’s “Crosslight” and “Dialogues Research Forum”
ASEAN University Network on Culture and Arts (AUN-CA) Secretariat and the ASEAN University Network (AUN) Secretariat, in cooperation with the Philippine’s Commission on Higher Education and the Association of Cultural Offices in Philippine Educational Institutions, Inc., is pleased to inform you that the AUN-CA will hold “Crosslight” Online Learning Session and Arts Festival for student artists, art teachers, artistic directors, arts managers and cultural workers from June to July 2021. The festival comprises the following:
- Crosslight Learning Sessions
- Considering today’s evolving creative industries and campus environment, AUN-CA’s “Crosslight” will provide learning opportunities for cultural officers, arts administrators, artistic directors, arts organizations, and student artists for them to be able to share practices for retooling for the new normal, discuss culture concerns for the ASEAN+3 region, and strengthen the ASEAN+3 cultural identity through art and culture. Click here for more information and registration.
- Crosslight Design Art Exhibit
- The exhibit serves as a platform for students and teachers of AUN+3 member universities to share and foster deeper understanding of each country’s culture. The exhibit shall feature various forms of design (i.e. visual communication design, environmental design, product design, industrial design and costume design), highlighting the people, place, art and heritage of their respective countries or any innovative/artistic response to the present pandemic situation. To contribute and participate, click here for more information.
- Crosslight Film Festival
- The film festival provides a venue for students and teachers of AUN+3 member universities to share and foster deeper understanding of each country’s culture. The films to be screened shall feature the people, place, art and heritage of their respective countries or any innovative/artistic response to the present pandemic situation in the form of documentaries, feature films, short films and animation. To contribute and participate, click here for more information.
- Crosslight Performance Showcase
- The performance showcase serves as a platform for students and teachers of AUN+3 member universities to share and foster deeper understanding of each country’s culture. The performances shall highlight the culture and heritage of their respective countries or any innovative/artistic response to the present pandemic situation. To contribute and participate, click here for more information.
- “Dialogues” Research Forum
- Call for papers! The AUN-CA Dialogues will once again be held, after its first successful run in 2019. It was initiated to provide students and teachers the venue to appreciate and share each of the ASEAN countries’ cultures and traditions, exchange ideas and discuss their current creative or research work. To learn more about how to register and submit your abstract, click here.
Scholarships and Exchange Programs
AUN-Disability and Public Policy (AUN-DPPnet) is the 12th thematic of ASEAN University Network (AUN) based in the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. AUN-DPPnet aspires to support postgraduate education for disabled people across ASEAN to advocate disability policies in their own country. The University of Malaya AUN-DPPnet is supported financially by The Nippon Foundation of Japan.
Disabled applicants with outstanding academic accomplishments from ASEAN countries are invited to apply for this scholarship to further their postgraduate studies in any field at selected institutions within the ASEAN University Network.
Application Closing Date: 31 July 2021
Eligibility Criteria:
- ASEAN Nationals i.e. Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore and Myanmar;
- Applicants must have completed their Bachelor’s Degree with good academic standing;
- Applicants must be certified medically by a Professional Medical Practitioner, to have some categories of disability but of excellent health to be eligible for this scholarship. The cost of medical examination to be borne by applicants.
- Applicants must have secured admission to a selected member institution of AUN. However, those who have made applications for postgraduate studies, but have not yet received an offer letter are encouraged to apply;
The scholarship grant will cover the following items:
- Tuition costs necessary for their enrollment at the respective university.
- Monthly stipends to support their living expenses during the study period = USD700/month.
- One time book + stationery allowance = USD220.
- Additional Assistive Allowance (upon written request and need basis).
Interested applicants can drop in their complete application form to the AUN-DPPnet Secretariat office or you may email the documents to aundpp@um.edu.my by the above-mentioned deadline. If there are any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact 03-79677618 or you may visit our website for further information about this offering (https://aun-dpp.um.edu.my/).
University of Southern Denmark – Application open for Summer School 2021
This year SDU offers summer school courses with both ON CAMPUS and ONLINE courses This year, SDU will offer 26 courses from three faculties:
- Engineering (11 courses only on campus, 10 courses blended, i.e. on campus and online)
- Science (1 course on campus, 2 courses online)
- Business and Social Sciences ( 2 courses online)
- Two weeks intensive courses
- Dates: 9 – 20 August 2021
No tuition fees for students nominated through exchange agreements. (Four summer school places equal one semester place). Other/additional students are welcome as fee-paying students.
Interested applicants must submit their letter of intent, True Copy of Grades, UP ID and latest Form 5 to MOVE-UP Program email at oilmoveup@up.edu.ph
Singapore Management University Global Summer Programme 2021
SMU is pleased to invite university students to join the SMU Online Global Summer Programme (GSP) 2021.
Date: 28 June to 23 July 2021 (4 weeks)
Theme: Asian Insights
Mode: Online
Asian economies have been growing over the past few decades and outperforming global benchmarks, with 16 of 18 outperforming economies (including Singapore) coming from Asia, as listed in the McKinsey & Company 2018 report.
Wherever you work in the future, GSP will be beneficial for you as it enhances your understanding of Asia and its development, giving you an edge in the increasingly internationalised job market of the future.
Join GSP to immerse yourself in Asia and its many possibilities.
- Gain new insights and perspectives on trends and developments in Asia through virtual classes and workshops
- Engage industry leaders with interests in Asia through online dialogues
- Learn from peers from around the world and forge intercultural friendships face-to-face online
Find out more about the programme on their website at https://www.smu.edu.sg/global/summer-programme?utm_source=PUEDM4&utm_medium=studenttext&utm_campaign=GSP2021
Kyushu University “College of Asia Pacific (CAP) Program”
This program is a summer study abroad program run by Kyushu University and several universities in the Asia Pacific region as partners.
The purpose of this program is to bring together students from overseas and Kyushu University students at partner universities to learn and communicate proactively based on Problem Based Learning and Team Based Learning methods.
Due to the covid-19, the CAP program for 2021 will be held online this August in conjunction with the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
The outline of CAP online with University of Hawaii is as follows:
Program Period: Tuesday, August 10 – Saturday, August 21, 2021 (Japan Time)
Application Deadline: Wednesday, June 9, 2021 (Japan Time)
Please see the attached application guideline for details.
For further information and application instructions, please visit their website:
URL: https://rcks.kyushu-u.ac.jp/cap/
2021 KNU Online Summer School
The KNU Online Summer School is from August 9 to 20 (2 weeks). It brings together students and academics for a unique intercultural experience through lectures on global and Korean issues as well as the Korean language and culture. All courses are taught either in English or Korean, and you will take courses with other participants from all over the world.
Program Overview
Eligibility: A student who is currently enrolled in university/college and pursuing a bachelor’s degree
Duration: August 9 – 20 (2 weeks, 3 credits)
Application/Payment Deadline: June 30, 2021
Application Process
Students from partner universities must be nominated by their home universities via knusummer@knu.ac.kr before submitting the online application – Students from non-partner universities must send ‘name/home university name/nationality’ directly to knusummer@knu.ac.kr
Complete the online application by June 30, 2021
Complete the payment and send a copy of the program fee payment receipt to knusummer@knu.ac.kr by June 30, 2021
All admitted students receive a copy of admission via email in mid-July(Those that need an original copy for visa issuance should send an email or request separately)
Program Fee
- Partner University| 100 USD
- Non – Partner | 150 USD
Fee Payment Account
Daegu Bank
Kyungpook National University Branch 111, Oksan-Ro, Buk-Gu, Daegu, South Korea
Account number : 532-10-123035-5
Swift Code : DAEBKR22
Cancellation & Refund Policy
Except for instances of serious illness or other acceptable reasons determined by the university, there will be no refund for cancellation. Cancellation requests should be made by email to knusummer@knu.ac.kr
On or before July 16: 100% refund
From July 17 to August 5: 50% refund
After August 6: No refund
Please note that bank-transfer charges will be deducted from the total amount refunded.
Office of International Affairs
Kyungpook National University 80 Daehakro, Buk-Gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea, 41566
Email: knusummer@knu.ac.kr/ Tel: +82-53-950-2414
Invitation for Summer Course with credit transfer in Faculty of Agriculture UGM, Indonesia
The Faculty of Agriculture UGM is hosting a Summer Course on Smart Eco Bio-Production Agriculture (SC-SOBA), with a topic on “The Nexus between Local Ecological and Modern Agricultural Practices”. This Summer Course is a credit transferable program (3 credits) which can be participated by 3rd/4th year undergraduate students or graduate students.
With the spirit of case-based learning, the summer course will be held fully virtual; pre-course activities on eLok UGM (elok.ugm.ac.id) on 24 June-15 July, followed by weekly course meetings on Thursdays and Fridays on 22 July-13 August. We have gathered scientists and practitioners from around the world to speak at our summer course.
Herewith, we enclose SC-SOBA 2021 flyer and call for participation, which also serves as the summer course’s syllabus. More information is available at scsoba.faperta.ugm.ac.id, and inquiries may be directed at Arini W. Utami (ariniwu@ugm.ac.id) as chair for the summer course committee, or to soba.faperta@ugm.ac.id .
University Fellow Project – Graduate School of International Resource Sciences, AKITA University
The Graduate School of International Resource Sciences, Akita University will conduct the Establishment Project of University Fellowships titled “Cultivation of Advanced Resource Sciences‐related Doctoral Students with the Integration of the Humanities and Sciences to contribute to Achieving SDGs”.
The University Fellowship Project aims to secure excellent candidates who apply to study for the doctoral program in contributing to science, technology, and innovation in the future, and implement improvements in their treatment and support for students’ career paths in the doctoral program.
The fellowship payment consists of assistance grant funding (150,000 yen per month for assistance grant funding for living costs and 300,000 yen per year for research expenses) to devote oneself to research, research expenses, and assistance to secure a position after obtaining a Doctoral degree. This fellowship will be provided to 8 brilliant Doctoral students who have great passion to study and always aspire to the advancement of research.
The first application period will be in the middle of June, 2021
If you are interested in this project, please contact OIL through email at oil@up.edu.ph.
All the best, Iskolar ng Bayan!